HomeArtistHelen Joynson
Helen Joynson

Australian Psychic Artist
The designs show a myriad of colour combinations, depth and dimension that enlightens your soul. The inspiration comes from Spirit on the other side of life, to show us how art heals through colour.

The message Spirit wants to relay with the unique artwork, is that colour plays an essential part of our daily lives – colour to the soul is as important as food to the physical body. The more colour we absorb the healthier and stronger of both body and Spirit we are. This is why we often find ourselves attracted to the spiritual stimulus of colour.

One can immerse themselves in the detail of delicate movements of colour as it comes alive in each design, reflecting the way we should all live together – in harmony and with the environment. Harmony and also serenity are essential in our daily lives, capturing and reflecting on the beauty around us.

To have the right Art in your Home, Place of Work, Hospitals etc. Changes the energy to be more uplifting even if the art is in another room.

The Vibration of your home will change to be more uplifting.

All my designs are Holistic

All prints from Helen Joynson

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